Tag: Mammal

Rhino, White

Rhino, White

Date spotted: March 2016

Place first seen: Khama, Botswana


Wide flat lip. Largest rhino. Estimated 20,000 remaining.

Photo: Internet

Rhino, Black

Rhino, Black

Date spotted: January 2012

Place first seen: Kruger National Park


The black rhino has a hooked lip. It’s the second largest land mammal. People hunt rhinos for their horns, which are entirely made of hair. They are very valuable in Asia where they’re used as medicine. Estimated 2,000-2,500 remaining.

Jackal, black backed

Jackal, black backed

Date spotted: February 2012

Place first seen: Ihaha, Chobe, Botswana


In Sossusvlei, Namibia we put out a tin cup of water near where we were sitting and a black backed jackal came to drink from it. It must have been very thirsty to risk coming so close to us as they run away at the earliest sign of people.

Almost always seen in pairs.

Buffalo, African

Buffalo, African

Date spotted: January 2012

Place first seen: Kruger National Park, South Africa


Male and female have horns. Herds of up to thousands. Eat grass, small trees, shrubs. Babies born in summer. Need water and shade. If there are buffalo there are LIONS because a lion’s favourite food is a buff.



Date spotted: January 2012

Place first seen: Ihaha, Botswana


Very timid. When you spot a female or two there is almost always a male somewhere nearby. Can you see the hippo in the background? It was like the Garden of Eden.



Date spotted: January 2012

Place first seen: Bontebok National Park, Cape, South Africa


Horns on male and female. Male marks his territory with a dung heap. Young born in December.



Date spotted: February 2012

Place first seen: Ihaha, Botswana


We loved seeing the baby waterbuck, a miniature version of its mother. They both looked like they’d sat on a toilet seat with wet paint on it.



Date spotted: February 2012

Place first seen: Savuti, Botswana


Seven lionesses appeared on the side of the road in a lightning storm. There were two herds of impala standing stock still 500m away. They fanned out and started hunting the impala but then took shelter from the rain in nearby bushes.



Date spotted: February 2012

Place first seen: Savuti, Botswana


Very shy. Mila has a special relationship with them.

Wildebeest, blue

Wildebeest, blue

Date spotted: February 2012

Place first seen: Savuti, Botswana


Very weird looking. Often found hanging out with zebras. They can see and hear rain falling up to 25km away.